On Tuesday, November 6, 2012 I had the privilege to vote in the 2012 Presidential Election. Although I have voted before, this was my first time being able to vote in a Presidential Election. Words cannot describe the feeling of having my voice be heard and I am happy to say that my vote counted!

I also had the wonderful opportunity to live blog this important event. I was stationed just a few blocks from the campus of Marquette University at Grand Avenue Middle School with two other #loweclass #jelection students. 

This experience was quite different from my personal voting experience at a different location earlier that day. The lines for voting were outside of the building and it was so much more live. I will take into consideration the time being that this was earlier that day before the typical work shift. 

At Grand Avenue Middle School, it was much more laid back and quiet. Being that I was there between 11:30am and 1pm, I thought that there would have been a lunch rush, but it was not. One of the voting inspectors explained that he expects it to pick up and be busiest later in the afternoon after the work shift. He explained that it was its busiest earlier that morning with the line being out of the door.  

Although there was not a lot of traffic during the time that I was at the Grand Avenue Middle School polling site, I did manage to ask a fellow voter a few questions regarding her decision and experience with voting. She explained that she was a democrat and was very excited for Barack Obama to win. "All democratics aren't good and all republicans aren't bad." I took this statement as her being open to others' views while still having strong faith in hers. 

As far as live blogging goes, I am ultimately happy to say that I covered a very important and historical Presidential Election. I did find it difficult to keep up with all of the new information/updates regarding this assignment due to not checking my Facebook profile as often. I fell into a bit of confusion, but my professor, Herbert Lowe was able to clear this up for me and to ensure that I completed my assignment correctly. 

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